
Physiotherapy or Telephone: 0333 0433 966

Allied- Providing physiotherapy services for patients in East Anglia

If you self-refer you will be asked a series of questions to tell them about your problem. This information will then be triaged by their senior physiotherapists and you will be contacted via email within 3 working days with further information or an appointment.



  • Suffolk patients with a significant, relevant foot pathology and/or relevant medical condition (e.g. high-risk diabetes)
  • Nail Surgery for ingrowing/dystrophic/painful toe nails
  • Biomechanical problems requiring insoles/orthotics


  • Social/simple/basic nail-care – this is not provided
  • Children <5 – Needs referring to Community Paediatric Services
  • Shoe-fitting/bespoke footwear/shoe alterations/ankle-foot orthoses
  • Bone Surgery

New patients should expect to be seen within 18 weeks of the referral being received.

NHS Podiatry is provided on the basis of clinical need and referrals and treatments are prioritised accordingly.

You will be discharged with advice if you do not fulfil the acceptance criteria.

We do not accept referrals for patients under 5 years old.

A basic nail-cutting service is not provided.

Wellbeing or Telephone: 0300 123 1503

They offer help and support to improve wellbeing and manage stress, low mood and anxiety. They aim to reduce the onset of mental ill health, prevent deterioration and promote recovery by offering a range of flexible services tailored to meet your specific needs. 

Wellbeing For Under 25 Year Olds

The Emotional Wellbeing Hub is a free service for anyone under 35 years of age to get support if they are worried about their emotional health. 

Monday- Friday 8am-7:30pm

For more information on the Emotional Wellbeing Hub or to make an online referral:

Telephone 0345 600 2090

Parents, Carers and professionals are also able to make an online referral at: 

One Life Suffolk or Telephone: 01473 718193 

Offers help to get active, lose weight, quit smoking and NHS health checks. 

Orwell Clinic or Telephone: 0300 123 3650

Address: Orwell Clinic, Lindbergh Road, Ipswich, IP3 9FA
(For Sat Navs please enter IP3 9QX)

Offers- Chlamydia testing, Condoms, Contraception, Emergency contraception, HIV care, HIV testing, STI testing, Support and advice

Test for STIs at home

Order self test kit here

Express Test is simple, free and easy to use

From 1 October 2018, if you would like routine screening for sexual health, please order a free kit online to complete the test. It's confidential and easy to use. This service is no longer available in clinic. If you are unable to order a kit online, please contact them on 0300 300 3030. Please click here for more details.

 Symptoms of an STI may include:

• New discharge • Pain when you pee • Testicular pain • Pain during sex • Abnormal bleeding • New lower abdominal pain (in women)

Alternatively you can:

Cancer Care Navigator Service 

Helping patients access support for everything cancer throws their way

Get in touch:
Monday to Friday 9:00am
Ipswich Hospital: 01473 702125
Colchester Hospital: 01206 487288